I have looked through the HandTracking and GestureClassification examples and haven't yet found Hand Occlusion or Meshing, also searched the forum to no avail, and every thing I tried to slap together doesn't work or crashes so far.
Am I missing something, or is this not yet a feature?
I am currently on the newest version of the SDK.
Hi @dtrujillostyle, this is not a feature yet. We are working on supporting Unity's Hand Subsystem which would allow developers to use the rigged hand model with a black material to occlude virtual content, but I don't have a timeline for when this may be available.
Any updates on this feature?
I'm trying to set up hand occlusion in Unity with the AR Foundation's AROcclusionManager component, but it doesn't seem to work.
Are there any working solutions yet?
Magic Leap 2 does not support occlusion via AR Foundation. However, we are looking into this functionality as we migrate to OpenXR.