When I use Vuforia together with ML2 Marker Tracking, the vuforia engine got stopped after marker tracker starts. I tried to use delayed initialization and initialize vuforia after marker tracker starts but the problem remains. Code I'm using:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.MagicLeap;
using Vuforia;
public class MarkerTrackerExample : MonoBehaviour
public float QrCodeMarkerSize = 0.22f;
public float ArucoMarkerSize = 0.1f;
public VuforiaBehaviour vuforiaBehaviour;
public MLMarkerTracker.MarkerType Type = MLMarkerTracker.MarkerType.QR;
public MLMarkerTracker.ArucoDictionaryName ArucoDict = MLMarkerTracker.ArucoDictionaryName.DICT_5X5_100;
public MLMarkerTracker.Profile Profile = MLMarkerTracker.Profile.Default;
private Dictionary<string, GameObject> _markers = new Dictionary<string, GameObject>();
private ASCIIEncoding _asciiEncoder = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
private void OnEnable()
MLMarkerTracker.OnMLMarkerTrackerResultsFound += OnTrackerResultsFound;
private void Start()
MLMarkerTracker.TrackerSettings trackerSettings = MLMarkerTracker.TrackerSettings.Create(
true, Type, QrCodeMarkerSize, ArucoDict, ArucoMarkerSize, Profile);
_ = MLMarkerTracker.SetSettingsAsync(trackerSettings);
Debug.Log("Marker Tracker Started!");
Debug.Log("Vuforia Manually Initialized!");
vuforiaBehaviour.enabled = true;
Debug.Log("Vuforia Behaviour Enabled!");
private void OnDisable()
MLMarkerTracker.OnMLMarkerTrackerResultsFound -= OnTrackerResultsFound;
private void OnTrackerResultsFound(MLMarkerTracker.MarkerData data)
string id = "";
float markerSize = .01f;
switch (data.Type)
case MLMarkerTracker.MarkerType.QR:
id = _asciiEncoder.GetString(data.BinaryData.Data, 0, data.BinaryData.Data.Length);
markerSize = QrCodeMarkerSize;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
Debug.Log("Marker ID: " + id);
Debug.Log("S6: Marker Pose: " + data.Pose.position);
Debug.Log("S6: Marker Rotation: " + data.Pose.rotation);
if (_markers.ContainsKey(id))
GameObject marker = _markers[id];
marker.transform.position = data.Pose.position;
marker.transform.rotation = data.Pose.rotation;
//Create a primitive cube
GameObject marker = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
//Render the cube with the default URP shader
marker.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = new Material(Shader.Find("Universal Render Pipeline/Lit"));
marker.transform.position = data.Pose.position;
marker.transform.rotation = data.Pose.rotation;
marker.transform.localScale = new Vector3(markerSize, markerSize, markerSize);
_markers.Add(id, marker);
The log I get:
08-12 15:12:00.352741 3349 7813 W amdCamera3VirtualCamera: ============= Dump Streams =============
08-12 15:12:00.352763 3349 7813 W amdCamera3VirtualCamera: Width : 2048
08-12 15:12:00.352767 3349 7813 W amdCamera3VirtualCamera: Height : 1536
08-12 15:12:00.352770 3349 7813 W amdCamera3VirtualCamera: Format : 35
08-12 15:12:00.352773 3349 7813 W amdCamera3VirtualCamera: State : 1
08-12 15:12:00.352776 3349 7813 W amdCamera3VirtualCamera: stream Id : 0
08-12 15:12:00.352779 3349 7813 W amdCamera3VirtualCamera: stream Type : 2
08-12 15:12:00.352781 3349 7813 W amdCamera3VirtualCamera: ==================================
08-12 15:12:00.353389 4992 5174 I Marker Tracking Service: nova/frameworks/services/perception_services/markertracking_svc/service/src/marker_tracking_manager.cpp(265) InitializeAndStartCamera():
08-12 15:12:00.353389 4992 5174 I Marker Tracking Service: INF: MarkerTrackingManager::InitializeAndStartCamera: Started Cam, success=true
08-12 15:12:00.353420 4992 5174 I Marker Tracking Service: nova/frameworks/services/perception_services/markertracking_svc/service/src/zbar_detector.cpp(70) ZBarDetector():
08-12 15:12:00.353420 4992 5174 I Marker Tracking Service: INF: Setting config for: 64
08-12 15:12:00.353430 4992 5174 I Marker Tracking Service: nova/frameworks/services/perception_services/markertracking_svc/service/src/marker_tracking_manager.cpp(478) CreateDetectors():
08-12 15:12:00.353430 4992 5174 I Marker Tracking Service: INF: MarkerTrackingManager::ParseSettings: # detectors created 1, vcam: 1, wcams: 0
08-12 15:12:00.354161 3414 4757 I cvip-ch : Aug 12 19:11:53 0000007019254000342 Q6.02 00097 FusionQ6Job [q6/src/wr_q6_blocks_fusion.cpp:00016]:I:: :wr:fusion: Running depth fusion on Q6
08-12 15:12:00.358561 26635 26905 E Unity : Vuforia Engine has stopped due to an error: The operating system has dropped the camera device used by Vuforia Engine
08-12 15:12:00.358561 26635 26905 E Unity : Vuforia.Internal.Core.Engine:onEngineErrorHandler(VuEngineError, IntPtr)
08-12 15:12:00.358561 26635 26905 E Unity :
08-12 15:12:00.360243 3349 3460 V amdCamera3MetaArb: Cam[1] : assigning the request metadata
08-12 15:12:00.361542 26635 26656 I AR : Deactivating observer...
08-12 15:12:00.361576 26635 26656 I AR : Deactivated observer with ID '1'
08-12 15:12:00.361581 26635 26656 I AR : Deactivating observer...SUCCESS
08-12 15:12:00.361756 3349 3460 V amdCamera3MetaArb: Cam[1] : assigning the request metadata
08-12 15:12:00.362706 26635 26656 I AR : Destroying observer...
08-12 15:12:00.362736 26635 26656 I AR : Destroyed observer with ID '1'
08-12 15:12:00.362740 26635 26656 I AR : Destroying observer...SUCCESS
08-12 15:12:00.362764 26635 26656 I AR : Destroying observer...
08-12 15:12:00.362784 26635 26656 I AR : Destroyed observer with ID '2'
08-12 15:12:00.362789 26635 26656 I AR : Destroying observer...SUCCESS
08-12 15:12:00.362798 26635 26656 I AR : Destroying observer...
08-12 15:12:00.362808 26635 26656 I AR : Destroyed observer with ID '3'
08-12 15:12:00.362813 26635 26656 I AR : Destroying observer...SUCCESS
08-12 15:12:00.363117 3349 3460 V amdCamera3MetaArb: Cam[1] : assigning the request metadata
08-12 15:12:00.365093 26635 26656 I AR : Destroying Vuforia Engine instance...
08-12 15:12:00.368689 3349 3460 V amdCamera3MetaArb: Cam[1] : assigning the request metadata
08-12 15:12:00.369944 3349 3460 V amdCamera3MetaArb: Cam[1] : assigning the request metadata
08-12 15:12:00.370561 3414 4757 I cvip-ch : Aug 12 19:11:53 0000007019285458744 ARM.01 00796 sc_isp_ctrl [vice/arm/src/sensor_core_isp.c:00939]:I:: sc_stream_isp_ctrl_thread: Control Req - id:0xffffff08 req:0x80c00fc0
08-12 15:12:00.370848 26635 26656 I AR : Destroying Vuforia Engine instance...SUCCESS
08-12 15:12:00.371291 3349 3460 V amdCamera3MetaArb: Cam[1] : assigning the request metadata
08-12 15:12:00.372474 26635 26656 I Unity : Vuforia Deinitialized
08-12 15:12:00.372474 26635 26656 I Unity : Vuforia.Internal.Core.Engine:Deinit()
08-12 15:12:00.372474 26635 26656 I Unity : Vuforia.Internal.Core.Engine:UpdateState()
08-12 15:12:00.372474 26635 26656 I Unity : System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:Invoke(Object, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo)
08-12 15:12:00.372474 26635 26656 I Unity : System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke(Object, Object[])
08-12 15:12:00.372474 26635 26656 I Unity : System.Delegate:DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[])
08-12 15:12:00.372474 26635 26656 I Unity : Vuforia.Utility.ExtensionMethods.DelegateHelper:InvokeDelegate(Delegate, Object[])
08-12 15:12:00.372474 26635 26656 I Unity :
I'm also attching the logfile here:
logcat.zip (144.7 KB)