Unreal Engine for ML2 - video capture only captures virtual content

Hi everyone, this is Mike from Geopogo

We have the Unreal Engine build running and working.
I'm doing test builds and captures.

When I run the APK on the device and go to record video - the recording is all black and shows no real world content. Is there a setting in Unreal that I can enable to get the video recorder to capture real world content too?

Hi @mhoppe,

Welcome to the Magic Leap 2 Developer Forums. We are so grateful to have you here engaging with us.

Would you mind sharing your version of the MLSDK and ML2 OS.

Also, are you receiving any error logs?



Hi etucker! Here is the version of the ML2OS

Version 1.4.0-dev1
Build B3E.230810.09-R.028
Android API Level 29

Where do I get the MLSDK version?

Also no direct errors