Timeline on having pupil size data accessible?

My team has partnered on a research project studying the behavior of an individual's eyes over time using the ML2 to track various data points.
Having read several other posts of this topic I understand that the pupil size data is currently not accessible but will be in the "future".

Is there a projected timeline for a future release in which the pupil size data will become accessible?

Up to this point the ML2 has been serving its purpose very well in the project, but the researchers are eager to move forward and have asked us to begin looking into possible alternative hardware solutions that would provide the necessary data.
I personally would prefer to stay with the ML2 and I know the researchers would be relieved to hear that access to the pupil data was to become available very soon.

Hi @erik.d,

Welcome to the Magic Leap 2 Developer Forums. We are so grateful to have you here engaging with us.

At this time, adding pupil size data is not in our immediate line of action and we are unable to provide a timeline for doing so. However, we have shared your request with our voice of customer team.

If you don't mind sharing, what is your use case for this data? There may be something that we can provide as an alternative to help in this case.



As another alternative, you could get the raw camera data from the eye cameras and process them to get the pupil size. However, we do not offer any tools to estimate pupil size at the moment.

Hi @etucker,

Thank you for your response, I am thrilled to be a part of the ML2 developer community.

Processing the camera eye images for pupil size is a strategy we've discussed on our end as well and may be the approach we adopt for the time being. That said, we are very eager to hear if there may be any other alternatives that could be employed in relatively short order to achieve the desired result.

To expand on the use case, while the user is performing a series of saccade/anti-saccade tasks, our Unity app samples the currently available data points associated with eye tracking, including the eye camera images, at a rate of 60Hz. The samples are periodically saved to disk where the researchers can later analyze the data to their heart's content.

Now, at a new phase of the project, the researchers are keen on adding the pupil size to the set of sampled data.

Again, I thank you for your response.

  • Erik