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Good evening, I need to stream or capture a video of my MR application but in the captured video the virtual content is offset from where it appears from the user's perspective -> the user sees the content at the right place but the video capture has the virtual object bit above where it should be.
I saw similar posts here that the secondary views feature could solve this problem but that was introduced in SDK 2.3.0 and the digital eyewear sample from Vuforia that I'm using relies on SDK 2.1.0.
I came across this post as well: Mixed Reality Camera Stream which suggests Stabilization Overview | MagicLeap Developer Documentation and I'm wondering whether there is any more information on how to implement this stereo convergence point in my scene in Unity? Is the solution to add the script at the end of the page and where should that script be added?
Or is there anything else I could implement to get the virtual content to align correctly in the camera stream?
Any help appreciated!
Unity Editor version: 2022.3.42f1
ML2 OS version: 1.8.0
Unity SDK version: 2.1.0
Host OS: Windows
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