Really I appreciate to your response.
I previously used a depth image for my project, but the image was automatically flattened, as shown in the picture below. I don’t want to use a flattened image for my application. Could you please teach me how to use a raw depth image in my application?
And this is current code.I tried to implement this while refering this paper.
private Vector3? Convert_depth_Point_to_WorldPoint(int x, int y)
// Calculate the linear index based on x, y coordinates.
int index = x + (resolution.y - y - 1) * resolution.x;
float rawDetph = depthData[index];
// Skip processing if depth is out of range or confidence is too low (if filter is enabled).
// Confidence comes directly from the sensor pipeline and is represented as a float ranging from
// [-1.0, 0.0] for long range and [-0.1, 0.0] for short range, where 0 is highest confidence.
if (useConfidenceFilter && confidenceData[index] < -0.1f)
Debug.Log("LowConffidence:"+ confidenceData[index]);
return null;
// Use the cached projection table to find the UV coordinates for the current point.
Vector2 uv = cachedProjectionTable[y, x];
// Transform the UV coordinates into a camera space point.
float depth = Convert_RangeValueToDepth(rawDetph, uv.x, uv.y);
Debug.Log("RawDepth" + rawDetph.ToString());
Debug.Log("Depth:" + depth.ToString());
// Vector3 cameraPoint = new Vector3(uv.x, uv.y, 1).normalized * depth;
Vector3 cameraPoint = new Vector3(uv.x, uv.y, 1) * depth;
// Convert the camera space point into a world space point.
Vector3 worldPoint = cameraToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(cameraPoint);
return worldPoint;
private float Convert_RangeValueToDepth(float range, float u, float v)
float depth = range / Mathf.Sqrt(u * u + v * v + 1);
return depth;
Then next is all code.
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using LabAssistVision;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.MagicLeap;
/// <summary>
/// Converts the depth images from the Magic Leap 2 to an array of 3d points and sends the points to be rendered by a PointCloudRender script.
/// Points will only be submitted to the PointCloudRenderer when the bumper button is pressed.
/// </summary>
public class DepthCameraPoint : SingletonMonoBehaviour<DepthCameraPoint>
private bool permissionGranted = false;
private Texture2D depthTexture;
private Texture2D confidenceTexture;
DepthInfo? recent_depth_data;
private readonly MLPermissions.Callbacks permissionCallbacks = new();
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Timeout in milliseconds for data retrieval.")]
private ulong timeout = 0;
private bool isPerceptionSystemStarted;
private MLDepthCamera.Stream stream = MLDepthCamera.Stream.LongRange;
private MLDepthCamera.CaptureFlags captureFlag = MLDepthCamera.CaptureFlags.RawDepthImage | MLDepthCamera.CaptureFlags.Confidence;
protected override void Awake()
permissionCallbacks.OnPermissionGranted += OnPermissionGranted;
permissionCallbacks.OnPermissionDenied += OnPermissionDenied;
permissionCallbacks.OnPermissionDeniedAndDontAskAgain += OnPermissionDenied;
private void OnDestroy()
permissionCallbacks.OnPermissionGranted -= OnPermissionGranted;
permissionCallbacks.OnPermissionDenied -= OnPermissionDenied;
permissionCallbacks.OnPermissionDeniedAndDontAskAgain -= OnPermissionDenied;
if (MLDepthCamera.IsConnected)
void Start()
MLPermissions.RequestPermission(MLPermission.DepthCamera, permissionCallbacks);
/// <summary>
/// Starts the depth camera if it's not already running by setting its configuration and connecting to it.
/// </summary>
private void OnPermissionGranted(string permission)
MLPluginLog.Debug($"Granted {permission}.");
permissionGranted = true;
MLDepthCamera.StreamConfig[] config = new MLDepthCamera.StreamConfig[2];
int i = (int)MLDepthCamera.FrameType.LongRange;
config[i].Flags = (uint)captureFlag;
config[i].Exposure = 1600;
config[i].FrameRateConfig = MLDepthCamera.FrameRate.FPS_5;
i = (int)MLDepthCamera.FrameType.ShortRange;
config[i].Flags = (uint)captureFlag;
config[i].Exposure = 375;
config[i].FrameRateConfig = MLDepthCamera.FrameRate.FPS_5;
var settings = new MLDepthCamera.Settings()
Streams = stream,
StreamConfig = config
private void ConnectCamera()
var result = MLDepthCamera.Connect();
if (result.IsOk && MLDepthCamera.IsConnected)
isPerceptionSystemStarted = true;
Debug.Log($"Connected to new depth camera with stream = {MLDepthCamera.CurrentSettings.Streams}");
Debug.LogError($"Failed to connect to camera: {result.Result}");
private void UpdateSettings()
MLDepthCamera.StreamConfig[] config = new MLDepthCamera.StreamConfig[2];
int i = (int)MLDepthCamera.FrameType.LongRange;
config[i].Flags = (uint)captureFlag;
config[i].Exposure = 1600;
config[i].FrameRateConfig = MLDepthCamera.FrameRate.FPS_5;
i = (int)MLDepthCamera.FrameType.ShortRange;
config[i].Flags = (uint)captureFlag;
config[i].Exposure = 375;
config[i].FrameRateConfig = MLDepthCamera.FrameRate.FPS_5;
var settings = new MLDepthCamera.Settings()
Streams = stream,
StreamConfig = config
private void DisonnectCamera()
var result = MLDepthCamera.Disconnect();
if (result.IsOk && !MLDepthCamera.IsConnected)
Debug.Log($"Disconnected depth camera with stream = {MLDepthCamera.CurrentSettings.Streams}");
Debug.LogError($"Failed to disconnect to camera: {result.Result}");
private void OnPermissionDenied(string permission)
if (permission == MLPermission.Camera)
MLPluginLog.Error($"{permission} denied, example won't function.");
else if (permission == MLPermission.DepthCamera)
MLPluginLog.Error($"{permission} denied, example won't function.");
void Update()
if (!permissionGranted || !MLDepthCamera.IsConnected)
var result = MLDepthCamera.GetLatestDepthData(timeout, out MLDepthCamera.Data data);
if (result.IsOk)
if (data.RawDepthImage.HasValue && data.ConfidenceBuffer.HasValue)
recent_depth_data = new DepthInfo(data.Position, data.Rotation, data.RawDepthImage.Value, data.ConfidenceBuffer.Value, data.Intrinsics);
public Converter_RGB_to_World CreateConverter()
Debug.Log("recent_depth_data:" + recent_depth_data);
depthTexture = CreateOrUpdateTexture(depthTexture, recent_depth_data.Value.rawdepthBuffer);
confidenceTexture = CreateOrUpdateTexture(confidenceTexture, recent_depth_data.Value.confidenceBuffer);
Matrix4x4 cameraToWorldMatrix = new Matrix4x4();
cameraToWorldMatrix.SetTRS(recent_depth_data.Value.Position, recent_depth_data.Value.Rotation,;
Converter_RGB_to_World converter_RGB_To_World = new Converter_RGB_to_World(depthTexture, confidenceTexture, recent_depth_data.Value.Intrinsics, cameraToWorldMatrix);
return converter_RGB_To_World;
return null;
public Texture2D Copy_to_NewTexture(Texture2D input)
Texture2D newTexture = new Texture2D(input.width, input.height);
return newTexture;
private Texture2D CreateOrUpdateTexture(Texture2D texture, MLDepthCamera.FrameBuffer frameBuffer)
if (texture == null)
texture = new Texture2D((int)frameBuffer.Width, (int)frameBuffer.Height, TextureFormat.RFloat, false);
return texture;
public class Converter_RGB_to_World
public NativeArray<float> depthData;
public NativeArray<float> confidenceData;
public MLDepthCamera.Intrinsics intrinsics;
public Matrix4x4 cameraToWorldMatrix;
public Vector2Int resolution;
private bool useConfidenceFilter = true;
private float minDepth = 0.2f;
[SerializeField] private float maxDepth = 10f;
private Vector2[,] cachedProjectionTable;
private static readonly Vector2 Half2 = * 0.5f;
public Converter_RGB_to_World(Texture2D depthTexutre, Texture2D confidenceTexture, MLDepthCamera.Intrinsics intrinsics, Matrix4x4 cameraToWorldMatrix)
depthData = depthTexutre.GetRawTextureData<float>();
confidenceData = confidenceTexture.GetRawTextureData<float>();
this.cameraToWorldMatrix = cameraToWorldMatrix;
this.resolution = new Vector2Int((int)intrinsics.Width, (int)intrinsics.Height);
this.intrinsics = intrinsics;
public async UniTask<Vector3?> Convert_2D_To_WorldPointAsync(int x, int y)
return await UniTask.RunOnThreadPool<Vector3?>(() =>
// Ensure the projection table is calculated and cached to avoid recomputation.
if (cachedProjectionTable == null)
cachedProjectionTable = CreateProjectionTable();
Debug.Log("DepthCloud: Projection Table Created");
// Process depth points to populate the cachedDepthPoints array with world positions.
return Convert_depth_Point_to_WorldPoint(x, y);
private static Vector2 ProjectToNormalizedViewport(Vector3 direction, Quaternion cameraRotation)
Vector3 localDirection = Quaternion.Inverse(cameraRotation) * direction;
// Project onto the imaging plane
float x = localDirection.x / localDirection.z;
float y = localDirection.y / localDirection.z;
return new Vector2(x, y);
public async UniTask<float> WorldPointToDeptValueAsync(CameraFrame frame,Vector3 worldPoint)
Vector2 depthPoint = WorldPointToDepthPixel(worldPoint);
Vector3? newWorldPoint = await Convert_2D_To_WorldPointAsync((int)depthPoint.x, (int)depthPoint.y);
if (newWorldPoint == null)
return -1;
float distance = Vector3.Distance(frame.Extrinsic.Position,newWorldPoint.Value);
return distance;
public Vector2 WorldPointToDepthPixel(Vector3 worldPoint)
// Step 1: World to Camera Ray
Vector3 rayDirection = (worldPoint - cameraToWorldMatrix.GetPosition()).normalized;
// Step 2: Ray to Normalized Viewport
Vector2 normalizedPoint = ProjectToNormalizedViewport(rayDirection, cameraToWorldMatrix.rotation);
// Step 3: Apply Distortion (if necessary)
//Vector2 distortedNormalizedPoint = ApplyDistortion(normalizedPoint);
Vector2 focalLength = intrinsics.FocalLength;
Vector2 priciplePoint = intrinsics.PrincipalPoint;
// Step 4: Normalized Viewport to Pixel Coordinates
return NormalizedToPixel(focalLength, priciplePoint, normalizedPoint, intrinsics.Height);
private static Vector2 NormalizedToPixel(Vector2 focalLength, Vector2 priciplePoint, Vector2 normalizedPoint, float height)
/*float u = normalizedPoint.x * (float)depthCameraInfo.Matric.get(0, 0)[0] + (float)depthCameraInfo.Matric.get(0, 2)[0];
float v = depthCameraInfo.depth_height - (normalizedPoint.y * (float)depthCameraInfo.Matric.get(1, 1)[0] + (float)depthCameraInfo.Matric.get(1, 2)[0]);*/
float u = normalizedPoint.x * (float)focalLength.x + priciplePoint.x;
float v = height - (normalizedPoint.y * (float)focalLength.y + (float)priciplePoint.y);
return new Vector2(u, v);
private Vector2[,] CreateProjectionTable()
// Convert the camera's resolution from intrinsics to a Vector2Int for easier manipulation.
Vector2Int resolution = new Vector2Int((int)intrinsics.Width, (int)intrinsics.Height);
// Initialize the projection table with the same dimensions as the camera's resolution.
Vector2[,] projectionTable = new Vector2[resolution.y, resolution.x];
// Iterate over each pixel in the resolution.
for (int y = 0; y < resolution.y; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < resolution.x; ++x)
// Normalize the current pixel coordinates to a range of [0, 1] by dividing
// by the resolution. This converts pixel coordinates to UV coordinates.
Vector2 uv = new Vector2(x, y) / new Vector2(resolution.x, resolution.y);
// Apply distortion correction to the UV coordinates. This step compensates
// for the lens distortion inherent in the depth camera's optics.
Vector2 correctedUV = Undistort(uv, intrinsics.Distortion);
// Convert the corrected UV coordinates back to pixel space, then shift
// them based on the principal point and scale by the focal length to
// achieve normalized device coordinates (NDC). These coordinates are
// useful for mapping 2D image points to 3D space.
projectionTable[y, x] = ((correctedUV * new Vector2(resolution.x, resolution.y)) - intrinsics.PrincipalPoint);
//Return the created projection Table
return projectionTable;
private Vector2 Undistort(Vector2 uv, MLDepthCamera.DistortionCoefficients distortionParameters)
// Calculate the offset from the center of the image.
Vector2 offsetFromCenter = uv - Half2;
// Compute radial distance squared (r^2), its fourth power (r^4), and its sixth power (r^6) for radial distortion correction.
float rSquared = Vector2.Dot(offsetFromCenter, offsetFromCenter);
float rSquaredSquared = rSquared * rSquared;
float rSquaredCubed = rSquaredSquared * rSquared;
// Apply radial distortion correction based on the distortion coefficients.
Vector2 radialDistortionCorrection = offsetFromCenter * (float)(1 + distortionParameters.K1 * rSquared + distortionParameters.K2 * rSquaredSquared + distortionParameters.K3 * rSquaredCubed);
// Compute tangential distortion correction.
float tangentialDistortionCorrectionX = (float)((2 * distortionParameters.P1 * offsetFromCenter.x * offsetFromCenter.y) + (distortionParameters.P2 * (rSquared + 2 * offsetFromCenter.x * offsetFromCenter.x)));
float tangentialDistortionCorrectionY = (float)((2 * distortionParameters.P2 * offsetFromCenter.x * offsetFromCenter.y) + (distortionParameters.P1 * (rSquared + 2 * offsetFromCenter.y * offsetFromCenter.y)));
Vector2 tangentialDistortionCorrection = new Vector2(tangentialDistortionCorrectionX, tangentialDistortionCorrectionY);
// Combine the radial and tangential distortion corrections and adjust back to original image coordinates.
return (radialDistortionCorrection + tangentialDistortionCorrection) + Half2;
private Vector3? Convert_depth_Point_to_WorldPoint(int x, int y)
// Calculate the linear index based on x, y coordinates.
int index = x + (resolution.y - y - 1) * resolution.x;
float rawDetph = depthData[index];
// Skip processing if depth is out of range or confidence is too low (if filter is enabled).
// Confidence comes directly from the sensor pipeline and is represented as a float ranging from
// [-1.0, 0.0] for long range and [-0.1, 0.0] for short range, where 0 is highest confidence.
if (useConfidenceFilter && confidenceData[index] < -0.1f)
Debug.Log("LowConffidence:"+ confidenceData[index]);
return null;
// Use the cached projection table to find the UV coordinates for the current point.
Vector2 uv = cachedProjectionTable[y, x];
// Transform the UV coordinates into a camera space point.
float depth = Convert_RangeValueToDepth(rawDetph, uv.x, uv.y);
Debug.Log("RawDepth" + rawDetph.ToString());
Debug.Log("Depth:" + depth.ToString());
// Vector3 cameraPoint = new Vector3(uv.x, uv.y, 1).normalized * depth;
Vector3 cameraPoint = new Vector3(uv.x, uv.y, 1) * depth;
// Convert the camera space point into a world space point.
Vector3 worldPoint = cameraToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(cameraPoint);
return worldPoint;
private float Convert_RangeValueToDepth(float range, float u, float v)
float depth = range / Mathf.Sqrt(u * u + v * v + 1);
return depth;
public struct DepthInfo
public Vector3 Position;
public Quaternion Rotation;
public MLDepthCamera.Intrinsics Intrinsics;
public MLDepthCamera.FrameBuffer rawdepthBuffer;
public MLDepthCamera.FrameBuffer confidenceBuffer;
public DepthInfo(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, MLDepthCamera.FrameBuffer rawdepthBuffer, MLDepthCamera.FrameBuffer confidenceBuffer, MLDepthCamera.Intrinsics Intrinsics)
Position = position;
Rotation = rotation;
this.rawdepthBuffer = rawdepthBuffer;
this.confidenceBuffer = confidenceBuffer;
this.Intrinsics = Intrinsics;