Recording in 16x9

I am recording a video using the ML2 to promote our new app that we have developed. Is there a way to adjust the aspect ratio other than 4x3, 9x10? I am recording in 4k, but would be better to record in 16x9 - that is more widely used for video on YouTube etc.

Other option, is that I can see if if my editor can expand the ratio - with out loosing a lot of quality.


Hey @bmcconnell ,

The Magic Leap 2 does not support capturing Mixed Reality or Virtual content in 16:9 aspect ratio.

You can find more specific details about capturing content here

Additionally, this document shows all the supported resolutions and frame rates for Mixed Reality and Virtual only capture

I think in this case, it would be up to your video editor to expand the aspect ratio.

Let me know if you have anymore questions about this!