Questions about Pixel/Camera API

That code example was indeed very helpful. Just so you know, I think the key modification is the 30FPS change - it's specified here that MR can also support 60Hz, but it actually couldn't.

You would to adjust the default MR Capabilities. After creating the one with default values specify the frame rate to match the camera since the default MR frame rate is 30fps

  private MLCameraBase.ConnectContext CreateCameraContext()
        var context = MLCameraBase.ConnectContext.Create();
        context.CamId = _cameraIdentifier;
        context.Flags = _connectFlag;

        if (_connectFlag != MLCameraBase.ConnectFlag.CamOnly)
            // Using Defaults
            context.MixedRealityConnectInfo = MLCameraBase.MRConnectInfo.Create();
            context.MixedRealityConnectInfo.FrameRate = _targetFrameRate;

        return context;

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